full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Norman Lear: An entertainment icon on living a life of meaning

Unscramble the Blue Letters

NL: Oh, god — surprised me and delighted me from head to toe. There was "An ennevig with Norman Lear" within the last year that a group of hip-hop impresarios, pmerrrefos and the Academy put together. The subtext of "An Evening with ..." was: What do a 92-year-old Jew — then 92 — and the world of hip-hop have in common? rssleul sonimms was among seven on the stage. And when he talked about the shows, he wasn't tianklg about the Hollywood, George Jefferson in "The Jeffersons," or the show that was a number five show. He was talking about a simple thing that made a big —

Open Cloze

NL: Oh, god — surprised me and delighted me from head to toe. There was "An _______ with Norman Lear" within the last year that a group of hip-hop impresarios, __________ and the Academy put together. The subtext of "An Evening with ..." was: What do a 92-year-old Jew — then 92 — and the world of hip-hop have in common? _______ _______ was among seven on the stage. And when he talked about the shows, he wasn't _______ about the Hollywood, George Jefferson in "The Jeffersons," or the show that was a number five show. He was talking about a simple thing that made a big —


  1. russell
  2. simmons
  3. performers
  4. evening
  5. talking

Original Text

NL: Oh, god — surprised me and delighted me from head to toe. There was "An Evening with Norman Lear" within the last year that a group of hip-hop impresarios, performers and the Academy put together. The subtext of "An Evening with ..." was: What do a 92-year-old Jew — then 92 — and the world of hip-hop have in common? Russell Simmons was among seven on the stage. And when he talked about the shows, he wasn't talking about the Hollywood, George Jefferson in "The Jeffersons," or the show that was a number five show. He was talking about a simple thing that made a big —

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
holy shit 2
love letters 2
george jefferson 2

Important Words

  1. academy
  2. big
  3. common
  4. delighted
  5. evening
  6. george
  7. god
  8. group
  9. head
  10. hollywood
  11. impresarios
  12. jefferson
  13. jeffersons
  14. jew
  15. norman
  16. number
  17. performers
  18. put
  19. russell
  20. show
  21. shows
  22. simmons
  23. simple
  24. stage
  25. subtext
  26. surprised
  27. talked
  28. talking
  29. toe
  30. world
  31. year